Sep 28, 2011
Urban Male Magazine, the leading men’s interest magazine in Canada (Similar to Maxim and Details). JZ’s excerpts were published throughout a six-page, color spread, including a cover quote on the title page of the story! The website and magazine will post the interview in October.
Information about Urban Male Magazine:
· The newsstand circulation is just under 100,000 and since 4.5 men read each copy, the overall circulation is about 460,000 Canadian men.
· UMM is distributed nationwide to all newsstands including Wal-Mart and 7-Eleven.
Read more from the advance copy of JZ’s interview in Urban Male Magazine, used with permission.

Sep 26, 2011

JZ Knight and granddaughter Sydney Hess attended President Obama’s Paramount Theater function in Seattle.
KING 5 TV News (NBC) in Seattle reports:
“President Barack Obama spent about four hours in Seattle on Sunday [September 25, 2011] , raising money from a small group of wealthy donors in Medina before rallying a larger audience gathered at the Paramount Theater.”
“He spoke for about a half an hour. Before leaving, he shook hands with supporters both inside and outside the theater.”
“A Democratic Party official told KING5’s Joe Fryer that 2,000 people total were in the Paramount to hear the president speak.”
Read more
Knight has been a member of President Obama’s Presidential Partners and the Obama Victory Fund of the Democratic National Committee since 2008.

Sep 14, 2011
C.I.E.L.O., the Integral Latino Educational Center of Olympia announces the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation is sponsoring English as a Second Language Class in Yelm.
“C.I.E.L.O., Integral Latino Educational Center of Olympia, promotes community, self-sufficiency and leadership of Latinas/os and other under-served people in the south Puget Sound area with educational and mental health services, and social and cultural activities,” quoting the Mission Statement.
“The “JZ Knight [Humanities Foundation] has offered to support the continuation of the Yelm ESL [English as a Second Language] class for the fall session. The popular and successful Yelm ESL class began in January, 2011 with the support of a grant from the Nisqually 2% Fund and the donation of classroom space at the Yelm Community Center. Thank you to JZ Knight Humanities Foundation for helping CIELO keep this essential class operating in the Yelm community.”
Here are the details:
CIELO Project’s Yelm English Language Learning classes
Yelm Community Center
Monday & Wednesday
6:00 – 8:30 pm
$25 fee
Child care provided

Sep 13, 2011

Yelm’s JZ Rose Gift Store is holding an
Sunday, September 18 ONLY, 10am-6pm
One Day Only Fantastic Sales
Plus All Paris Flea Market items 75% Off
Sample the French teas, Lemonade, Truffles, Jams, Crackers & Cookies.
Christopher Radko Artist Signing with Senior Designer Mario Tare
Featuring the 2011 Signing Piece “Midnight Arrival”
JZ Rose Store Manager Gregory Platt said,
“Celebrate a day at JZ Rose. Sample and enjoy our french Teas, Lemonade and chocolates.
Celebrate Christmas early with so many wonderful specials!”
Read more from JZ Rose.
Sunday, September 18 ONLY
JZ Rose – For All Things Beautiful
207 1ST Street South, across from Yelm City Park
Yelm, WA 98597
Phone: 360-458-4618
Read more about JZ Rose.
Be sure to cast your vote online for JZ Rose in the Best of Nisqually, BEST GIFT/ANTIQUE/NOVELTY category.
Vote here