Linda in Florence, Italy, Oct. 7, 2011
Photo courtesy: Linda Evans Facebook page
JZ Knight and Linda Evans have just returned from Florence, Italy on the eve of Linda’s book debut October 11 Recipes for Life: My Memories published in hardcover from Vanguard Press.
Upon hearing the news, Knight said, “I have known Linda for over 25 years and am honored to have her as one of my dearest friends all of these years. I wish her grand success with the book and acknowledge her for sharing with the world a grand life of enriched experiences.
And she included in her book my lemon meringue pie recipe.”
Photo credit: Linda Evans Official Website
Click here to order Recipes for Life or purchase your copy in Yelm exclusively at JZ-Rose.
“The making of Recipes for Life has been a colossal task and an immense labor of love for Linda. And now, she is overjoyed to share her story with all of you,” quoting Linda’s official Newsletter.
Read more from LindaEvansOfficial.com.