C.I.E.L.O., the Integral Latino Educational Center of Olympia announces the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation is sponsoring English as a Second Language Class in Yelm.
“C.I.E.L.O., Integral Latino Educational Center of Olympia, promotes community, self-sufficiency and leadership of Latinas/os and other under-served people in the south Puget Sound area with educational and mental health services, and social and cultural activities,” quoting the Mission Statement.
“The “JZ Knight [Humanities Foundation] has offered to support the continuation of the Yelm ESL [English as a Second Language] class for the fall session. The popular and successful Yelm ESL class began in January, 2011 with the support of a grant from the Nisqually 2% Fund and the donation of classroom space at the Yelm Community Center. Thank you to JZ Knight Humanities Foundation for helping CIELO keep this essential class operating in the Yelm community.”
Here are the details:
CIELO Project’s Yelm English Language Learning classes
Yelm Community Center
Monday & Wednesday
6:00 – 8:30 pm
$25 fee
Child care provided