JZ Knight
Photo courtesy: JZ Knight. Copyright © 2007-2017.
Used with permission.
– Published in The Olympian, July 26, 2017:
“Weekend plans have you feeling spaced out? Beam over to Yelm’s first UFO Fest”
“The first Yelm UFO Fest is set to launch this weekend, and organizers are preparing to welcome visitors from beyond. Or at least beyond Yelm.”
“JZ Knight, president of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment in Yelm and known for her claims that she channels a 35,000-year-old warrior spirit named Ramtha, also will speak as part of the festival. Knight’s speech will be held at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, and admission is $50.”
“The festival was organized through a partnership between The Triad Arts Theater, Nisqually Valley News, and Puget Sound Entertainment. Michael Wagar, publisher at Nisqually Valley News, and his friend Steve Craig hatched the idea during a casual conversation. Then offers to help began pouring in.”
“Jayne offered to host — a UFO fest was right up her alley and the Triad could use a fundraiser. Cory Kolilis at Puget Sound Entertainment offered his festival set-up expertise. The City of Yelm was supportive. It was perfect ‘synchronicity,’ as several organizers described it.”
“Jayne hopes that the UFO Fest will provide an opportunity for people of “all walks of life” to come together, dress up in their best alien garb, and celebrate being ‘a little out there.’
‘Yelm is coming out of the closet, baby,’ Jayne said,” by Zoe Sayler, The Olympian.
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