Several days before the May 15 Public Comment deadline of the Yelm Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS), full page ads were taken out in the The Olympian, the NVN & NVN Shopper to inform the residents of Yelm of the consequences of the proposed plan.
See the full-page informational ad by JZ Knight in The Olympian, the NVN & NVN Shopper.
Public response resulted in 98 letters being written to the City of Yelm, Washington State Department of Health and Department Ecology. In addition there were three formal appeals filed, including one from the Squaxin Island Tribe. CLICK HERE to see the public comments and appeals.
Also, the following Poll from the NVN website and this wonderful letter were printed in the NVN on May 22nd from a concerned Thurston County citizen.