What’s it like to have a powerful being from the other side enter and use you to deliver a message? How can an audience be sure that it’s not just a stage act and all a matter of fiction? Join Eldon and JZ Knight for an hour of provocative enlightenment.

Eldon Taylor
For the past 30 years, Eldon Taylor has been researching the power of the mind, both for spiritual applications and from the practical perspective of living healthy, happy lives. He has earned doctoral degrees in psychology and metaphysics and his work has been featured on numerous radio and televisions shows as well in documentaries such as the recent release, Programming the Nation. He has presented seminars and workshops across the US and in Mexico, Germany, China, the U.K., and Malaysia.
Hear part one of Eldon Taylor’s interview with JZ Knight on Tuesday, Oct. 20th and the second part on November 24 – both at 11am pst, as a live stream on HayHouseRadio.com.
There are several other ways to listen to the amazing interview.
1. As a live stream on HayHouseRadio.com (free)
2. As an on-demand stream, also through HayHouseRadio.com by going to your program/about the show page (your last show can be heard for 7 days for
3. As an on-demand stream, podcast or download by going to your program page/about the show (membership fee required)
4. Through Live365.com, on the live HayHouseRadio stream
5. On TIVO (navigate to Live365, then the music selections/radio area on your TV screen)
6. Via your iPhone or iPod Touch (You can get the app by going to the App Store on the iphone or Touch, or by going to the App Store in iTunes. Just type in the keyword Hay House to download and install the FREE app.)