“Freedom Foundation Attorney Calls Complaint to IRS ‘Harassment’”
” A copy of the complaint JZK, Inc.’s attorney sent to the IRS questioning the Freedom Foundation’s nonprofit status is embedded below the story.”
By Steven Wyble, Nisqually Valley News:
An attorney for JZ Knight has sent a complaint to the IRS alleging an Olympia think-tank has violated the conditions of its tax-exempt status.
The attorney claims the Freedom Foundation — a right-leaning think-tank currently embroiled in litigation with Knight’s company, JZK, Inc. — violated its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status by supporting partisan candidates and causes. The Freedom Foundation denies the allegation.
Brooke Johnson, an attorney specializing in nonprofits and intellectual property who has been retained by Knight and JZK, Inc., filed the complaint with the IRS on Oct. 24, according to a press release from the company. The complaint alleges the foundation has engaged in “sharply partisan activities, which have included intervention in a number of political campaigns.” Those partisan activities, Johnson alleges, are outside the scope of a 501(c)(3) organization.
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Click here for the full report.
Click here for the Press Release issued by JZK, Inc.