Instead of sending her gifts,
JZ suggests donations in her name

JZ Knight News

On January, 11, 2014, JZ Knight described at the “Fresh Air II Event” the challenges in bringing home the numerous gifts she receives in foreign countries visited on the World Tour. While she appreciates the thoughtfulness, she would rather the students, their friends and families, instead allocate contributions in her name to the recommended nonprofit organizations listed below, or those of your choosing, for their inspiration and upliftment. JZ would appreciate receiving an acknowledgment of your donation:

1. Wounded Warriors
Click here

2. JZ Knight Humanities Foundation
Send checks payable to:
JZ Knight Humanities Foundation
c/o Terri Stuart
P. O. Box 1210
Yelm, WA. 98597
For information on bank-wire donations, please email

3. The Phoenix Rising School

Click here

Acknowledgments can be sent to:
JZ Knight
c/o JZK, Inc.
P. O. Box 1210
Yelm, WA. 98597

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