Media Contact: Rob Wynne
Phone: 310.540.7204
Email: rob@wynnepr.com
Yelm, Washington. October 26, 2012 — JZ Knight and Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment have learned today that a group responsible for disseminating a misleading and heavily edited video has plans for another posting. The group has now threatened to post a new video that includes several hours of footage from an online event sponsored by the School. The School’s attorneys believe that this may violate copyright law and be in breach of a contract signed by one of the group’s members. The School is investigating and will seek legal protection if necessary.
For more information, please contact:
Jeff Grant
Skellenger Bender, P.S.
Andrea McNeely
Gordon Thomas Honeywell, PLLC
About Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment
Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE) was established in 1988 by Ramtha the Enlightened One as an academy of the mind that offers retreats and workshops to participants from all over the world and from all walks of life. Using ancient wisdom and the latest discoveries in neuroscience and quantum physics, RSE teaches students how to access the extraordinary abilities of the brain to “Become a Remarkable Life®.” Ramtha’s teachings are not a religion. They offer a unique perspective from which to view the mystery of life. For more information, please visit www.ramtha.com.
JZ Knight responds to video airing