This anonymous phone message was left on a voicemail message for JZ Knight Friday, December 16, 2011.
“Hi, I’m a non-student, however in the Tacoma News Tribune today on page 3 there was a wonderful article and I think everybody should be dancing in the street to know that the water rights issue that JZ and everybody associated has fought; I know she spent a lot of money. She has a voice that speaks also for non students. I just was so happy to read that!
It’s a wonderful article and I’m very happy for everybody that was involved with this fight.
I’m an old-timer here. I’ve lived here 35 years and there have been many things that have happened in this town that have been shoved down the populace’s throats and now there’s a voice that represents a lot of us out here.
I’m really thankful that this came this way that the decision was made this way.
And I thank her and everybody whose mind was set and focused on this issue. It came out in a positive manner for all of us.
So, I recognize the good work that the people in school have done for this community.
The school seems to be our only voice here. Unfortunately Steve Klein never got to be mayor. This city would have just risen up instead of this group of jerks that we have representing the city of Yelm.
So, good on all of you and thank you and have a great and very Merry Christmas!
My husband and I are really pleased with the outcome of this!”
– Knight’s win was posted on Yahoo Finance! with 67,604,000 daily readers.