JZ Knight
Photo Copyright © 2011 JZ Knight.
Christine Louise Hohlbaum, American author of The Power of Slow: 101 Ways to Save Time in Our 24/7 World, interviewed JZ Knight on March 3, 2011. Christine’s show has about 3,000 unique monthly visitors, another 1,000 people in her network.
“Digging around for someone to shed some new light on a rather old problem of addiction, I came across JZ Knight…
JZ offers a refreshing perspective on our self-flagalation (I must close Facebook; I must stop tweeting!). She doesn’t think Internet addiction is the real issue. She says the Internet itself is the platform for a countercultural shift in thinking…
Please listen to my chat with JZ Knight about the Internet, consciousness and the future of virtual living. And yes, the irony of having to use the Internet to access this, cough, digital recording has not escaped me!”
JZ said she immensely enjoyed this interview and that Christine had “a brilliant topic that is under-reported” titled:
“Is the Internet a Time Suck or the Stage for Our Countercultural Shift?”