JZ Knight Interviewed On CBS Radio

JZ Knight News, Press

JZ Knight was interviewed by Ericka Boussarhane on November 24, 2009 on CBS Radio’s Whispers From the Heart Radio Show.

The interview is available online from www.blogtalkradio.com or listen from the player below.

Boussarhane interviews the country’s best Psychics, Mediums, Healers, and Various Holistic Practitioners.



  1. Elizabeth Diane  •  Dec 2, 2009 @3:24 pm

    Wonderful interview. So much information nicely condensed. Thank you, JZ.

  2. claudia  •  Dec 9, 2009 @8:08 am

    I want to ask JZ a favor.
    JZ, Could you tell Ramtha I love him, and I don’t have words to tell him thank you for his love, and his koledge. Just let him know I love him.
    And Thanks him I am going to Home, with my real family.
    Thank you JZ for your Service and love for all of us.
    Claudia de Anda

  3. Yazmin Sanchez  •  Dec 9, 2009 @10:10 am

    Thank you for your excellent interview!!!, Thank you JZ. Knight for your teachings and giving your self in different areas as business woman, spiritual leader, and a friend of the human being. Thank you for your hearth, happines and love to us. Yazmin Sanchez / RSE Student from Mexico, living now in Houston, TX.

  4. RIkA  •  Dec 9, 2009 @7:51 pm

    To J.Z. my ideal. Love this interview!
    You are a genius and I love you so greatly. Thank you for the sacrifice you did your whole life to bring us the teachings. Ram is THE ultimat Teacher and thanks to his teachings I could heal my self from a hyper thyroid.
    I hope to be soon in school again. money,money,money! I keep focusing and know I soon be there again!
    with great love
    rika hofmann

  5. Sergio Ruiz Vela  •  Dec 10, 2009 @1:22 pm

    I have atended a course of her,s by video in Mexico city. It is, I think, an amasing Knowledge, but when I see a group of people in trance and breding all that energy out, makes me wonder, if there are some entities taking advantage of this, (sorry valid question) and most important, if Ramtha is who He said He is , and can create like he claims, why is the teaching so expensive, at least for us in mex.
    Does the Ram needs money to exist.
    JZ probably do not like this questions, they are valid, need an answer.

    Sergio Ruiz Vela.

  6. Ulrike  •  Dec 11, 2009 @6:49 am

    JZ, I love to listen to interviews with you. Only now I am getting into your work. So, I currently only know two interviews and I am looking forward to the ones that might follow. They are fascinating and capturing.

    However, I don’t understand one thing: “no longer to live emotionally”.
    This might sound silly to insighters but it really confuses me.
    I’m quite sure you are familiar with the work from Esther and Jerry Hicks and “Abraham” rsp. There it’s all about feelings and to reach the better thought in order to reach the better feeling.

    The feeling is the language the “divine matrix” understands, how Gregg Braden explains. He points out the difference between feelings and emotions (I know) in his book “The spontanous healing of belief” and says: “a thought without the emotion to fuel is just a thought” and “when we marry the thoughts in our minds with the power of emotions … , we create the feeling”.

    It is all really confusing to me cause the way you stated it, sounds like to live out of your head / mind which does not seem really possible to me.

    May be you can help out with this confusion.

    Thank you for everything,

  7. Tara Mortimer  •  Dec 13, 2009 @11:41 pm

    JZ you are so amazing. Thank you thank you fr allowing The Ram to speak and teach us through your body. I have just finished the Beginners/Follow Up in Australia. Being a student for just a few years I really wanted to redo beginners. It was worth it. I love you and The Ram and I love his teachings. Misha and Debbie were fabulous at the Event and I am sooo looking forward to the next event. I have not always focused as much as I should, but it is always in the back of my mind. You may think sometimes your effort is not appreciated, even when people are not quite as serious at focus as they should be. To me you and Ramtha are so important right now. Thank you JZ I love you. Tara

  8. Russell Morgan  •  Dec 14, 2009 @7:51 pm

    I was not able to listen to this live radio show, it is now December 14, what I get is a awesome interview with JZ. I have been a student for 20 years plus in the school at RSE,…. JZ said the most amazing truth,” it is about you and who you are”. I can say, personally, that is the truth. Thank you and learn more. Ramtha said, ” I cant want when all you what is ‘more'”. This is an opportunity for that ‘more’! Many blessings.

  9. Russell Morgan  •  Dec 14, 2009 @7:57 pm

    type error: forgive me, ‘ I can not wait when all you want is more’, (sorry for the spelling thing) Russ.

  10. Teresa Torres  •  Dec 15, 2009 @7:12 pm

    Excuse my ignorance, but I just would like to know why is so expensive to assist to RSE, I do considerer the cost to keep the school going, but I reaaly do not have a clear understanding and when people asks me, I do not have an answer. I love the knowledge that Ramtha so lovely teach us, it is bread for the soul and that has no price, unfortunelly we live an a material world, where almost everything has a price, but this is spiritual food and that`s where I am confuse

  11. Anne Marsh  •  Dec 16, 2009 @8:36 pm

    Hello JZ,
    I listen every time you speak as I always learn something new. May I ask for clarification on the book titles you suggested? I thought you said “parallel quantum realities and quantum enigma” but I can’t find those. Please let me know the author and title/s as I want to read them.
    I am fascinated by your mind. I loved what you said: That you read the being who created the antique you are purchasing. What a wonderful way to live and grow my mind. When I listen to you I find ever more fascinating ways to expand the use of my brain. Thank you so much for your life’s work which has empowered me to find the God within. Love you, love you. Anne

  12. Muriell Hinds  •  Dec 18, 2009 @4:57 pm

    I have only been a year in the school, before I have studied at many “Metaphysical, philosophy, spiritual” organizations. There is NOTHING like RSE. Their teaching, I would say is like the Highway of the mind where we can access faster (if we are discipline) the true nature of who we are, God.
    Thank you JZ and deep gratitude to my beloved teacher Ramtha.
