Yelm Water Plan Public Appeal Deadline This Friday

Yelm and Thurston County Issues
Area affected by proposed water drawdown

Area affected by proposed water drawdown

The City of Yelm is trying to substitute a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) for an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) regarding their proposed five-fold increase in water withdrawal quantities. By doing this, City officials are sidestepping their obligation to get the opinions of the public and independent professionals about the environmental impacts of such an action.


Your well water level could drop 23 feet and leave you dry

When this happens, when you least expect it, who’s going to pay you the $15,000 it takes to drill you a new well and replace your pumping equipment? Are you going to enjoy the surprise of having no water?

You have until this Friday, May 22nd to send your comments into officials for an appeal.

Jay Manning Director
Department of Ecology
PO Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504-7600

Mary C. Selecky, Secretary of Department of Health

PO BOX 47890
Olympia, Washington 98504-7890

Grant Beck
City of Yelm
Director, Community Dev. Dept.
P.O. Box 479
Yelm, WA 98597


1 Comment

  1. Russell  •  Aug 1, 2009 @8:05 pm

    As a student and current for so many years, I simple cant agree to these costs your are suggestings. It makes me question your intent and I can only ask you what is your real thought here. Really J.Z. , are you seeing something in the future-now that is on your plate or is about us students and tring to help them in days to come (that are here) to protect them from not having the water for survine living? Be kind and always aware that the future now is change-able. Russell

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