Knight: Hackers targeted Obamacare site –DHS official says this is a fact!

JZ Knight News

JZ Knight addresses Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment students, November 7, 2013

At her presentations to the RSE Follow-up attendees November 7 & 8, 2013, JZ Knight shared in a wide-ranging discourse and Question & Answer session that the Obamacare [Affordable Care Act] website had been targeted by hackers. Now, major news media are reporting this story is indeed, true:

– “Official: Hackers tried repeatedly to attack Obamacare website”
By Joe Johns and Stacey Samuel, CNN
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– “Obamacare Website Targeted About 16 Times by Cyber Attacks”
“Assistant Secretary Roberta Stempfley told members of the House Homeland Security Committee that her agency had received ‘about 16 reports’ from the Department of Health and Human Services that are under investigation.

While the number of hacking attempts for such a ‘high profile target’ may seem low, Robert Siciliano, a McAfee online security expert, told that it’s likely the agency is reporting only ‘brute force attacks,'” quoting Alyssa Newcomb and Matthew Larotonda via World News on ABC.
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UPDATE: November 14, 2013
“Right wing cyber attacks on website confirmed”
“‘Destroy Obama Care!’, that’s the advertised name given to the attack tool by ‘right wing patriots’ who are distributing the DDoS tool through downloads on social networks, which promises to overwhelm the website,” quoting CyberSec Inc.
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