“This is the locally shot photo National Geographic selected for Your Shot last month, showing Absolute Health Clinic’s Lorena Bensching lying down in the Blu Room. Photographer Rory Sagner of Yelm responded to a call for submissions on ‘everyday science.'”
Photo credit: ©2018 Rory Sagner Photography & Fine Art, for Absolute Health, Olympia.
– From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (PI):
“National Geographic features local photographer, new ‘healing’ technology”
“Blu Room says patients may accelerate healing with a ‘power nap’ using ultraviolet light”
“Yelm, Wash.-based photographer Rory Sagner entered what’s called the Blu Room at Absolute Health Clinic in West Olympia, hoping to address back troubles.
“The room includes mirrored walls and uses ultraviolet light while a patient lies down to enter a state of deep relaxation.
“Its proponents say the technique accelerates healing in the body and reduced perception of pain,” by Lynsi Burton, SeattlePI.
Click here for the full story.
JZ Knight is the Blu Room inventor.