Hurricane Harvey damage, Bayside, TX., August 26, 2017.
Photo Credit: Daniel Kramer/AFP/Getty Images via KING-5 TV, Seattle
– From JZ Knight:
“I am focusing on relief, mercy, & hope for the peoples’ unfolding tragedy in South Texas and Louisiana. Our hearts and prayers are with them.”
– KING-5 TV News in Seattle covered Preparedness all day July 24, 2017.
Ramtha first taught being prepared over 30 years ago that now resonates.
– “Prepare to be on your own in a major Pacific Northwest disaster”
“Why is KING 5 focusing so much on disaster preps? It’s certainly not to scare you. Earlier this year, we began the task of creating a disaster plan – how this station would deliver the news if a major disaster struck the Pacific Northwest.”
The experts say few are ready. And being ready means being able to support yourself, your loved ones, your neighborhood for 2 weeks. Because after a region-wide event, it could take that long for help to come from the rest of the country and world, by Travis Pittman, KING-5 TV News, Seattle.
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– JZ Knight on what is a “sovereignist”
In 1986 — in what was then called the Dialogue days, prior to the establishment of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE) in 1988 — Ramtha the Enlightened One shared with participants the necessity of preparedness, what he called being “sovereign.” JZ Knight said, “A sovereign person is able to support their life without gambling on banks, the stock market, or paper investments.” These teachings were then considered to be the cause of bringing undue concerns to the public and causing chaos in the marketplace, labeled fear-mongering. Ramtha explained that the then-coming Earth changes (earthquakes, floods, polar ice melt, superstorms) would render government officials unable to help and assist their constituents. The age in which we were then headed required everyone to be able to care for themselves and their families. The world has now come to know the effects of climate change and Mother Nature, with television shows like Doomsday Preppers now commonplace. With KING 5 TV in Seattle covering Preparedness all day on July 24, 2017, this issue has now come home to the awareness of Puget Sound residents.
– These are Ramtha’s Recommendations of Sovereignty
Move out of the cities and away from the water. Acquire as much as you can of the following items in order to be self-sufficient and not dependent upon social or governmental services:
• Food, food, food — as much as you can. Acquire at least two years per person. Grow your own food and put it up (i.e., can your own food) — and even on a small parcel or in a community garden if you live in the cities.
• Own a small parcel of land in a rural area away from the cities.
• Obtain fresh water from a well on land in the country, tested annually for quality, and stored in quantity.
• Nonelectrical tools of all kinds.
• Nonhybrid seeds of all varieties.
• Winter clothes, boots, sturdy shoes.
Note: Ramtha also mentioned in the mid-1980s to have a small amount of gold and silver coins stored — but not stored in a bank vault, which could become inaccessible.
Further, these items are necessities in planning for the future:
• Light source(s), batteries, small solar panel for charging batteries.
• Long-burning candles or oil lamps, plus extra wicks and oil, matches, lighters, and fuel.
• Shortwave emergency radios.
• Extensive first-aid kit, including but not limited to splints, bandages, antibacterial applications, antibiotics, medicine for pain relief (i.e., Excedrin, Tylenol, Advil), stored in a cool, dry, dark place.
• Sewing kit with strengths of various threads, sewing needles.
• Animal pet food and supplies, if you have a pet.
• Stored water, preferably an in-ground water tank.
• Sleeping bags, portable tents.
• Portable stove with fuel.
• Portable toilet.
• Bicycles, fishing gear, knives, portable saws and hand tools, gloves, compass, rucksacks, GPS, compass.
• Medications.
– JZ Knight added, “RSE students are not survivalists. We are sovereignists. We have always been taught to be prepared for anything, to be able to provide and care for ourselves and our families. They could survive anything. I am very proud of this culture of RSE and that our students have heard this message from Ramtha for over 30 years.”
– Ramtha’s teachings on this are published in “Last Waltz of the Tyrants, the Prophecy Revisited”
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“This destiny — those changes I talked about so long ago in your time — is coming into full manifestation. Go and look at them. What sounds common to you now was uncommon then,” quoting Ramtha.
For more information: www.Ramtha.com