The Blu Room®
Photo courtesy: JZ Knight, used with permission.
* President Trump’s VA appointee Dr. David Shulkin on the The Blu Room®
* The Blu Room® technology was founded by Yelm’s JZ Knight
* Some people with PTSD have greatly benefited from The Blu Room®
* Dr. Shulkin: the VA needs to go outside for private enterprise solutions, treatments
– “Why Dr. David Shulkin is exactly what the VA ordered”
“For every suicide committed by a veteran under the care of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, there are two vets not under VA care.
That, according to President Donald Trump’s appointee to head the VA – Dr. David Shulkin – is a top priority of his new job.”
“Perhaps VA Secretary Shulkin is embarking the department on a new treatment paradigm, a paradigm of more treatment, more effective treatment, new treatments all under a new management.”
“Good news. A new treatment is inching its way into treatment for “PTSD” and no, it isn’t yoga or meditation at a Tibetan monastery. Can the VA use this new treatment to help thousands of PTSD victims?
Speaking as a “rough, tough” former United States Marine any treatment that includes music, meditation, relaxation and soft lighting seems “touchy and feely” but…there is evidence a high tech combination of all those items seem to help some people with PTSD.
Dr. Shulkin: It’s called “Blue Room” therapy. One might say it is a form of “safe space.” The treatment is non-invasive, requires no special clothing, or professional treatment by doctors or psychologists and only takes 20 minutes a session.
One wonders why the VA isn’t using the technique in heavy veteran lived-in areas like California, Texas, et al. Is it cost or lack of desire? Dr. Shulkin has himself announced that the two worst areas of VA treatment efficiency is in Tennessee and Texas. That’s where this treatment should be implemented immediately.
Results of “Blu Room” use is the true test of the treatment not cost. Dale Vaughn is a Vietnam veteran who has suffered from nightmares for years. He has been formally diagnosed with PTSD.
Another vet, Cynthia Williams-Patnoe, served as a pilot in Afghanistan; her problem was not caused by combat but by a pickup truck that hit her causing brain trauma that required extensive physical and speech therapy treatments.
Both of these vets say they have benefited from Blu Room treatment. Studies from UCLA and John Hopkins University suggest positive results from such treatments, touchy feely or not.
Dr. Shulkin believes that the VA needs to go outside for private enterprise solutions and treatments; so do we, by Raoul Lowery Contreras, The Hill opinion contributor.
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– “6 Alternative Therapies For PTSD”
“Post-traumatic stress disorder (often referred to simply as PTSD) can severely affect the lives of those who suffer from it. Sadly, this condition affects many people. According to the organization PTSD United, about 24.4 million people in the United States alone suffer from PTSD. Anyone who has experienced a traumatic event is vulnerable to developing this condition, and it is one that often affects active military service members and veterans.
The good news is, there are a number of alternative therapies that may greatly aid sufferers of PTSD. The following are just six of the many that are out there, [First listung, The Blu Room],” by Meditation Daily.
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– The Blu Room® is available to the public in Yelm, Olympia, and worldwide.
In Yelm at The U Wellness Center.
Click here for more information.
In Olympia at the Absolute Health Clinic.
Click here for more information.
The Blu Room® locations now operating on four continents.
North & South America, Asia, Europe, and coming soon to Australia.
Click here for more information.