JZ Knight
Photo Copyright © 2016 JZ Knight.
– JZK, Inc. wins against Virgina Coverdale on all grounds except one:
The Court of Appeals agreed with Thurston County Superior Court and JZK on all issues, except one [JZK, Inc is the parent company of Yelm-based Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE)]:
A. upheld the summary judgment in JZK’s favor (including the attorney fee award to JZK),
B. strongly upheld the language of the school’s Conditions of Participation (CoP),
C. upheld the contempt finding against Coverdale for failing to get the court-ordered appraisal on her car,
D. awarded JZK the company’s reasonable attorneys’ fees under the CoP for opposing the appeal.
E. reversed the contempt order in part and remanded to the trial court to reconsider its contempt decision consistent with this opinion.
– JZ Knight, President of JZK, Inc. told this to the Yelm Community Blog:
I am elated the Appeals Court saw the merits of all points in our case, also siding with the determinations of the Trial Court.
Yes, this was a long process to reach the conclusion of this case, however I have always stood firm against anyone attempting to rewrite the history of our school.
In the final analysis, the facts and truth prevailed.
I want to acknowledge the Courts, the Justices and their staffs, JZK, Inc’s crack team of attorneys, my staff, and the students of RSE, who stood united with all of us and never wavered amid a torrent of negative publicity.
– Unpublished Opinion filed January 19, 2016:
JZK, INC., a Washington corporation, Respondent,
VIRGINIA COVERDALE; JOHN DOES 1-20 and JANE DOES 1-20, also known as ENLIGHTEN ME FREE, Appellant.
Click here for the complete filing.
– Quoting from the official filed document signed by Judge Worswick:
“JZK, Inc. obtained an injunction, a judgment for attorney fees, a writ of execution, and an order of contempt against Virginia Coverdale after Coverdale posted a video on the Internet in violation of a nondissemination agreement. Coverdale appeals several superior court orders arguing that the court erred by (1) granting JZK summary judgment and denying Coverdale summary judgment on the issue of the contract’s breach, (2) dismissing Coverdale’s affirmative defenses and counterclaims, (3) denying Coverdale’s motion to amend her answer to the complaint, (4) failing to strike JZK’s summary judgment rebuttal brief, and (5) finding Coverdale in contempt of two court orders. We affirm all the superior court’s orders except for the order finding Coverdale in contempt. Accordingly, we reverse the contempt order in part and remand for the court to reconsider its contempt decision consistent with this opinion.”
“A majority of the panel having determined that this opinion will not be printed in the Washington Appellate Reports, but will be filed for public record in accordance with RCW 2.06.040, it is so ordered.”
Click here for the complete filing.
– Statement from Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment
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