Ramtha channeled by JZ Knight, Dr. Matthew Martinez
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
– Results Confirmed by three Separate Labs in Different Locations
March 10, 2015 – YELM, Washington – DNA samples taken from JZ Knight before and during a period while she was channeling Ramtha have produced a startling scientific result – the DNA from JZ Knight and the DNA from Ramtha are dramatically different.
Samples of cheek swabs were taken from JZ Knight and sent to independent laboratories in California, Florida, and Missouri specializing in DNA testing. All three of those DNA samples resulted in exact matches for Knight with gene markers of R1B Y DNA with QM242 with a DNA sequence of TACTGATCG indicating a person of French European descent.
Two days later two cheek swab DNA samples were taken from Knight as she channeled Ramtha. The results indicated dramatically different DNA from Knight – a R1B Y DNA with CM217 with a sequence of ACCAGCTGC indicating a person with American Indian and Viking descent. The mathematical probability that three separate lab samples sent to three different laboratories would get the exact same DNA sequencing two separate times is astronomical, proving that the methods were scientifically sound and the results are truly astonishing.
“There is no doubt in my mind that the DNA from JZ Knight in her everyday life and from Ms. Knight when she was channeling Ramtha demonstrate an incredibly rare scientific phenomenon,” said Dr. Matthew Martinez, JZ Knight’s personal physician, who collected the cheek swabs and sent the samples at the same time to three different laboratories. “There is no debate – the DNA samples indicate completely different people.”
DNA testing is now widely used to test for inherited diseases and to determine ancestry and biological relationships. The biochemical tests can find changes in chromosomes, proteins, and genes. Sampling DNA through cheek swab collection has become common in recent years. Many companies offer DNA sampling services for tracing family lineage and learning about one’s genetic propensities.
A summary of the side-by-side comparisons of DNA samples taken from JZ Knight before channeling, and while channeling, Ramtha can be found at: www.ramtha.com/Docs/JZ_Ramtha_DNA_Test_Results.pdf
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Click here for the story from the front page of the Nisqually Valley News.