“JZ Knight relaxes with her dog at her pool inside her home on the grounds of the Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. Knight, who says she channels the 35,000-year-old Ramtha, is turning over day-to-day operations of her business JZK Inc. to a board of directors.”
Photo credit: Michael Wagar, Nisqually Valley News
By Steven Wyble, Nisqually Valley News:
“Purported Channeler of Ramtha Stepping Down From Daily Responsibilities for JZK, Inc.”
“JZ Knight is stepping down from some of her duties as president of her company, JZK, Inc.
“Michael Wright, a spokesman for the company, said Knight — who claims to channel Ramtha, a 35,000-year-old Lemurian warrior turned spiritual guru — is stepping back from the day-to-day business management role she’s held for the past 10 years at the company. She’ll be stepping into a role as President Emeritus, Wright said.
Knight will remain the company’s “visionary” and continue to channel Ramtha, Wright said.
“She’s going to continue to be involved in molding the future of the school and the organization behind the school that supports it,” he said. “She’s just not going to be involved in the business management, day-in, day-out affairs.”
An executive team will take on Knight’s day-to-day business responsibilities, Wright said. Knight has been training the team over the past five years. The final makeup of the team will be announced after Jan. 1, Wright said.
Wright denied a rumor that Rebecca Capezio, a student of the Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, was planning to buy the company.
Ramtha introduced Capezio at a RSE event in Italy, and made reference to “the possibility that she might consider buying the school,” Wright said. “That’s not the first time he has acknowledged individuals with that possibility, nor will it be the last. Like any company, we’re always looking at continuity and change of control, and those opportunities are always being explored.”
Knight has committed to appearing with Ramtha at major events next year in February and July in Yelm, in May in South Korea, in August in Italy, and in September in South Africa, Wright said.
JZK, Inc. employs about 85 people, who all work in the South Sound area, Wright said. The company also works with about 40 coordinators who work as independent contractors in other countries.
Events at RSE are translated into eight to 10 languages, depending on the needs of registrants, Wright said.
About 5,000 people attended RSE’s world tour this year, according to the school. The tour ran from February to October.
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President Emeritus”