Aug 24, 2009
The Olympian reported on Tuesday, August 18 in their front-page story titled “Yelm drops water rights proposal” that the city’s mitigated determination of non-significance (MDNS) has been withdrawn due to lack of additional water rights granted in 2009 by the Dept. of Ecology, a significant development.
“The city had proposed to boost its water supply five times above its current allotment by 2037, in part to supply a new 5,000 home development called Thurston Highlands” reported The Olympian.
Read the full Olympian article online
Read the city’s letter of the MDNS withdrawal.

Aug 17, 2009
In a landmark decision the City of Yelm has withdrawn their MDNS citing lack of new DOE approved water rights in 2009.
This is a major change in direction coming from the city and indicates that my efforts and actions by other citizens to stop the city from their intent to pump huge amounts of water from the area’s aquifer have been heard by the State.
After all, Ecology received 100 citizen comments AGAINST the city’s MDNS and not one letter in support of this plan.
The City of Yelm is at or near pumping their 2009 water allocation by Ecology, so any more expansion in the city without further water rights approvals is severely hampered.
My full-page ads in area newspapers went a long way to educate city, county & state officials about the facts of the city’s MDNS.
Read the city’s letter of the MDNS withdrawal.
Read JZ Knight’s comments to the City of Yelm about the Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) regarding the city’s Draft Water System Plan

Aug 5, 2009
Retail Trade Continues to Fall in Thurston County, except in Yelm where it rose 4.69% in the First Quarter of 2009
RSE Students inject $2,626,050 into the Local Economy in 2008 and more than $1.5 million in the First Half of 2009. Could this be the factor of Yelm’s unprecedented growth in the middle of a major recession?