JZ Knight will appear with distinguished guests this Saturday, May 16th
on a panel discussion led by “James Van Praagh! He says the dead can teach us about life. Learn how when he tells Larry what the spirits are saying,” quoting CNN’s Larry King Show.
“James is a survival evidence medium, meaning that he is able to bridge the gap between two planes of existence, that of the living and that of the dead, by providing evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages. ‘I’m clairsentient,’ he explains, ‘which simply means clear feeling,'” according to his website www.vanpraagh.com.
Also, on the panel are
Debbie Ford, author of Why Good People Do Bad Things: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy and other titles and is a noted speaker, teacher & trainer “to find new ways to inspire others to go on this lifelong journey to clean up their past, to forgive themselves for their flaws and shortcomings, to make peace with their humanity, to open up to their divinity and allow themselves to be guided by a power greater than themselves,” according to her website.
Dr. Michael Beckwith “founded the Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational spiritual community whose doors are open to all seekers in search of authentic spirituality, personal transformation and selfless service to humankind,” according to his website.
Dr. Beckwith appeared previously with JZ Knight on CNN’s Larry King Live.
“JZ Knight has been the Channel for Ramtha the Enlightened One for 32 years and is President of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE) established in 1988 in Yelm, Washington. A Channel is different from a medium in that the channel is not the intermediary between consciousness coming through them and the audience. The channel does not remain in a transfixed, altered state while channeling; rather they leave their body completely and allow the consciousness coming through to have full faculty over all their bodily movements and functions. Ramtha, while being channeled through JZ Knight, has the ability to open his eyes and teach his students personally,” quoting RSE’s website.
The program will air Saturday, May 16th at 6pm PDT, 9pm PDT & at midnight. Check local listing and times at CNN’s Larry King Show